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Cars in Cleveland August 31, 2025 | Rafih Auto Group + CarFilm
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Cars in Cleveland Inaugural Year

2017 – 2018

“Cars in Cleveland” was born in 2017 as a family-friendly, entirely free event (which has remained true every year since) for the city of Cleveland and surrounding suburbs to enjoy. The inaugural 2017 event featured $30 million dollars worth of vehicles, including cars from the personal collection of LeBron James. Visitors were encouraged to vote for their favorite cars for the award ceremony that concluded the show. Sponsorship fees and proceeds benefitted The LeBron James Family Foundation in 2017, and Keys for Kids in 2018.

CLE Car Show 2019


In 2019, the event moved to the East Side’s Pinecrest in Orange, Ohio and with this move, the name changed to the CLE Car Show. Sponsorships, vehicle registration fees, and proceeds benefitted Bellefaire JCB.

Cars in the Park 2020


In 2020, the event shifted over to Westlake’s Crocker Park where it was renamed to “Cars in the Park” and returned annually until 2023. 2020 introduced scan-to-vote, so people could more easily vote on their top 3 favorite vehicles as they walked the streets. The live voting and award ceremony has continued every year since. The 2020 and 2021 events benefitted the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge, and proceeds from 2022 sponsorships and registrations benefitted Providence House.

Cars in the Square


Downtown Cleveland’s Public Square underwent major renovations for a few years, but in 2023, Cars in the Park was able to return to where it all started. Named “Cars in the Square” for the 2023 return, the event would set the stage for Cars in Cleveland to come full circle the following year.

Cars in Cleveland | Rafih Auto Group + CarFilm

2024 –

2024 saw a vision for the Rafih Auto Group to grow the event into a larger, city-wide celebration, and in doing so it was time the original name returned. In addition to a wider footprint throughout the city, all new cars, vendors, and activities, plus the award ceremony, photo ops, special guests, and music— 2024 introduced a few new surprises, including the morning “Rally to the Square,” the VIP lounge at Fahrenheit, and the return of LeBron James’ personal vehicles. Cars in Cleveland™ also introduced a new co-organizer in CarFilm in 2024, and together with Rafih Auto Group, it will remain an annual, Labor Day weekend tradition under the Cleveland National Air Show for many years to come.


Photos and videos from Cars in the Park 2021, held at Crocker Park in Westlake, Ohio.


Dive into the very first iteration of Cars in the Park 2020, held at Crocker Park in Westlake, Ohio under careful safety protocol during the COVID-19 re-open.

CLE Car Show 2019

In 2019, the annual event, coined CLE Car Show was held in Orange Village, Ohio, set throughout the shopping and dining avenues at Pinecrest.